12 nov. 2008

Place of the Venue

'Du createur a l'Entrepreneur' is going to take place in Le Globo (8, Boulevard de Strasbourg, 75010 Paris, http://www.leglobo.fr/).

It is a historic place whose origins go back to 1895, when it used to be a brewery and a meeting point for amateurs of dances such as waltz, polkas and quadrilles. Nowadays it is an exclusive spot hosting regularly various Parisian events, from parties to luxurious business meetings, accomodationg up to 900 people.

On that occasion we also would like to thank the owners for hosting our event, and we hope that it will be appreciated by all our great guests coming from different parts of Europe.

1 commentaire:

Kira Aderne a dit…


thanks for passing at my blog! Thanks for the invitation, I only wish I was in Paris :)

a kiss!!

see you,